Sunday, March 23, 2008

And Then It Was Easter

And it was a beautiful morning. Religion aside--and I grew up Catholic so said some private prayers for everybody--it was a task to get Italo and Marco to want to do an egg hunt. "Dad, that's for kids. Can't we just sleep?" HA! I put bacon on the stove and that got them up. And then, inexplicably, both of them went to work to unclog the bathroom sink. That sink has had more drano in it in the last month than a commercial about clogged toilets. And we've broken the pipes apart and taken out a knife and a fork, toothpaste tops, bobby pins and enough hair to make a wig and it still was clogged. But somehow those guys woke up determined and kicked bathroom sink ass to the point where they were able to push the yard hose down there and leave it running for 10 minutes without backing up. Fantastic. I hate brushing my teeth at the kitchen sink because it means I've got to clean up anything left from the night before before I can do it, and I'm not generally in the mood to do dishes before I've brushed my teeth.
And then I announced the egg hunt and they still were lackluster.
But I'm not stupid, I'm a dad. And I put five dollar bills in half a dozen of the 18 eggs and a tenner in another and when the boys heard that, the hunt was on. Even Italo's girlfriend, Sarah, jumped into the fray: "I'm getting free gas money for a couple of days. Out of my way!"
So that was beautiful.
And you know what? We did what the hunt was supposed to do: Find places the kids haven't cleaned in months (behind the television, under the big couch) and so now
they're on cleaning detail. HOORAY FOR DAD!
The greatest thing is that after having lived in this house for seven Easters now, and hiding the eggs in only one living room, they were still stumped on the last two. They actualy gave up while there was still $10 out there. Claimed there couldn't be another egg in the room, much less two. And then I cooly stepped forward and collected them both. They couldn't believe it.
And after clean up they'll all be off: Italo to a soccer game, Marco to Brook's house, Sarah to her second job, waiting tables. Only me and Madeleina will be here but she's got the new Bee Movie so she's set. And Chepa and Sierra and Alexa are off in Indiana with her boyfriend. So me and Madeleina are gonna hang out, play some pool and then I'll get dinner ready in time for everybody and a couple of friends to come over.
So Happy Easter everybody. Hope you all have a swell day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all that stuff you took out of the sink reminds me of the gems I used to carry around with me in my little daisyduke purse (sans the hair for a wig) just in case I ever went on let's make a deal with Monty Hall