Friday, April 04, 2008

Do Other Dads Put Up With This?

So my Madeleina is turning 11 next week and in that spirit, I wrote her an email at her new email address that I secured for her last couple of weeks. This is what I wrote:

Dear Madeleina: So you're going to be 11 years old, eh? That's a pretty big age for my baby. And good for you. The question: Don't you think 11 years old is too old for presents? I mean, wouldn't you rather have a nice card that says "have a nice day" or something? I mean, do you really want your dad to have to go from store to store looking for things like giant frogs and mittens made from kittens and the best worms to make your favorite, worm soup? I mean, that's a lot of work....
Okay, then a card it is....and not a credit card either. Maybe a nice post card...
Yeah, that would be nice, a nice post card....
Glad we had this talk honey.

And then I get this response today. Do other dads put up with this?

Dear Dad: if u don't buy my a least 3 presents i will get a hammer, and whack u till u r out
Love you u mutt, Bye


Kuchinta said...

That's hilarious!
Well, Peter, looks like you need to go shopping, and soon!

bamboo said...

Yep Peter, other dads put up with this and just like when they do.

You have to admit- she called you on your bluff....LOL


Anonymous said...


Saby said...

You have a wonderful girl, wish her a good birthday !!!!

Arbol said...

I'll find out soon enough Peter. Hope all is well with you and yours. Mandala is doing well. Thanks.

Peace Love Light

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Estabilizador e Nobreak, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Shmer said...

Hi Peter. Great story. You have an amazing relationship with your daughter.

A question I have been meaning to ask you is whether you have any contact or relationship with Alberto Torres Davilla, who according to my knowledge used to work with Julio for a long time?

Is he a good shaman to work with in your estimate?

Peter Gorman said...

Shmer: I've never had ceremony with him but he's highly respected.