Saturday, July 18, 2009

Things Get Thicker All the Time

Well, yup, Italo's Sarah is pregnant and Marco is definitely getting married to Carly. I know Sarah's pregnant because she puked breakfast two days in a row and didn't want to hear how cool that was or how it was just a natural hormonal thing....And the cat had kittens last night so there are now a whole swath of new blind babies running around--or crying for milk, anyway. And the goats are out again, meaning I've got to go fix a fence. But that's okay because today is a manly day. Manly in that I got up at 5 AM, had fantastic coffee, answered letters for two hours, read newspapers for two hours, did laundry the whole time and after 5 loads have the house nearly cleared of dirty sox and underwear. Then Italo and I took two couches from the garage (playroom, with weights, heavy bag, speed bag, ping-pong, foosball, pool, the freezer full of freshly killed pig meat and what was three couches in a lounging area) and brought them to the dump. Seems while I was away Marco left the garage door open for a couple of days and the goats got inside and peed on them. Man, they stunk! So off they went. Then we went to the stone dealer and bought 310 pounds of red flagstones to add to those in the front yard flood area. Then I went back and bought another 400 pounds alone and just finished putting them in place. In between I went to Home Depot and bought new railing wood for one of the bridges over our creek and paint and galvanized nails and am about to go change the railing and paint the little bridge.
Is this a manly day or what???? And when that's done I think I'll take the hatchet and trim some trees. Then drink a little Jim Beam and make some chicken breasts with garlic, onion, tomato and cilantro and a bit of chicken stock.
I will say that we ate the first of the pig yesterday. Excellent bacon and sausage, and maybe the best chops I ever had, even in the restaurants I worked over the years. I had them cut an inch thick with just a bit of fat around the edge. Sliced them along the back and stuffed them with spinach sauteed with garlic and thin sliced red pepper and then added diced swiss cheese when things cooled off. Dredged them in seasoned flour and eggs then covered them in fresh-parsley'd bread crumbs. Sauteed them till brown then baked at 325 for about 40 minutes, took them out and dressed them in pork gravy infused with fresh squeezed oranges. Man, when you cut into those and that cheeze and spinach came oozing out, well, heaven was thisclose to your tastebuds. I wish some of you had been here just to verify I ain't lying.....
Out to the bridge. The manly day won't be over till that's done and the lawn's been cut and raked....
PS: Now just after 5 PM, fixed the bridge with Italo, painted it barn red, fixed the fence, got the goats, and now fixing dinner while I enjoy a Beam. Manly day. Manly. Almost makes me wish I were one....


Gritter said...

Oh, but Peter - you IS da Man!!!

The Grudge said...

Wow. I need to spend a week with you. I need to be more manly. Good luck to Italo.