My wishes for you for the New Year
When I sing in the mornings, I
sing for simple things. I sing for people without homes to have roofs
over their heads and walls to keep them warm. I sing for people without
potable water to have rain brought to them. I sing for people who are
ill to find relief from pain and then get better. I sing for people who
are heartbroken to have a new friend enter their lives. I sing for
people who don't have enough food to discover someone who will
provide them meals. I sing for people who do not have hope to open
their eyes and look out at the beauty of nature and gather hope from
that. I sing for people who suffer from war to have all the wars finally
finished. I sing for people to share what they have, happily. I sing
for people to understand that we are all connected: That the rain that
waters my tree in Texas will soon be watering you tree in North Africa
or China. I sing for people to find at least a little joy every day.
And for the New Year, I wish these things and more for all of you. Happy New Year, everyone!