Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Monday, April 23, 2018
Sapo Note on Vaso Dilation
Someone was talking on a forum about the need to physically purge when doing sapo/kambo to get the desired effect of a good stomach and liver bile cleansing. To encourage that, a lot of practitioners have their clients drink a couple of liters of water half an hour before a sapo/kambo session. I disagreed. I said that among the indigenous Matses very few people purged and that in my experience forcing the medicine to work on one specific area might be to the detriment of it working on other areas. The example I gave was the clearing of plaque from arteries that would then allow more oxygen to get to your vital organs, a very beneficial side of the sapo/kambo medicine.
Someone liked that and asked which peptide in sapo specifically eliminated plaque. This was my response:
I'll have to refer to Vittorio Ersparmer's (late, great pharmacologist who worked with the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog that produces sapo/kambo) work to tell you which of the
peptides acts as vasodilator. The example I use, and I hope it is a good
one, is this: Let's say you are blowing up balloons for your kids and
nieces and nephews and letting them fly around the room. Sooner or later
one or two will drop behind the couch or what have you and no one
retrieves it. A couple of months later someone cleans behind the couch
and finds it and your kid asks you to blow it up for him/her again. Only
problem is that the balloon is now all scrunched up and non-stretchy
because the sugars and proteins in your breath when you were blowing it
up previously have all dried and made that balloon no longer
stretchable. So you stretch it by hand and those sugars slowly drop
off--simply from the act of stretching--into the belly of the balloon
and in a few minutes you've got a stretchy balloon again that you can
blow up. The plaque in your arteries, or the feathering around your
heart valves that can result in an irregular heart beat is a build up of
things that eliminate the stretchyness of those arteries, or the smooth
opening and closing of those heart valves. Introduce a high powered
vaso dilator that blows those arteries open a bit and that plaque will
simply fall off into the blood stream and later get eliminated. Same
with the feathering of goop that can build up around heart valves. So
while Ersparmer did not talk about a peptide that officially eliminated
plaque he did talk about the burst of vaso dilation (leading to a
temporary drop in blood pressure) that I think would be the equivalent
of you stretching out that dried up balloon and causing the sugars to
drop off the inside of the elastic skin. Make sense?
Posted by Peter Gorman at 12:34 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 20, 2018
Visiting the Matses
Someone wrote on FB that they are in Iquitos and want to visit the indigenous Matses. I wrote this, then decided not to put it up, because while meant to deter people, it will probably only encourage them. But since you guys ain't going anywhere, I don't see the harm in posting it here.
Natasha: First, you need to get in touch with the military and see when their next plane is going to Angamos. Get on it. Get to Angamos, a military base, and there is a Matses camp nearby. Don't forget to get chacira, a couple of kilos. Those are Chezhoslovakian seed beads, made from glass. They love those. Rarely sold in Iquitos. Then, unless you want to stay in the dire community near Angamos, you'll need someone to rent you a peque-peque and someone else to sell you gasoline, which they don't always have there. When Angamos is dry, the few people who have some gas might charge you $30 a gallon, and you might need at least 50 gallons. Be prepared. Them the boat owner will take you up the river to a village of very westernized Matses. They will likely charge you to visit. Just a hundred or two for a day or so. You will probably need to bring your own food: They might have a little for you, they might not. Do not expect that by paying a hundred or two hundred and giving each member of the village some seed beads that you will be invited to stay overnight. Mostly they just want your gifts and then want you gone. I could go on. At least they won't shoot arrows at you as you approach anymore. But these are not tourist injuns. These are people who generally do not want outsiders in their camps. That becomes more true the further up either the Yakirana or Galvez you go. Some people have been lucky and made friends with village headmen, but not many. Outsiders are a drain on their communities for the most part, which is why they're not very welcome, or welcome for only a day or two at a camp, essentially while your presents for them last. And they will want presents every day or twice a day, so be sparing with those seed beads. Ruber Castillo and Jhonny Java can get you in for a few days but will cost you. Ask for them at El Noche restaurant on the boulevard. But this is expensive, no fooling, and is still only for a few days, tops.
Posted by Peter Gorman at 2:47 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 08, 2018
Tired of Stupid
A friend of mine, one who swears she is not either Dem or Repub, sometimes posts things on fb that blow my mind. When I call her on it she says she's just reposting interesting things. I tell her that spreading hateful things spreads hate, whether interesting or not. Yesterday, I told her I was done with her. She posted a meme that compared Hitler to Liberals. It said things like: Take away guns, and noted both groups wanted to; "pro Abortion" and both groups wanted to. And so forth. I went nuts emotionally. Today I reconsidered and thought that if I was speaking with her directly, I would explain that a man who ordered and controlled the systematic killing of 6 million Jews, another half million Catholics, half million gays, was not the same as a present day liberal who wants poor kids to have free breakfasts at school so that they can learn with a clear, not starving, brain. I would tell her that the use of pro abortion is a misnomer: People who are for a woman's right to choose when she has a baby are pro-life.They want a baby born at the right time to the right person. They do not want a baby born to parents who do not want it. And then, of course. the people who are anti-liberal are cutting funding for things like day care and school breakfasts, and after school programs, making it harder for the poorest people to maintain jobs and raise kids. So I was emotionally upset yesterday. Today I just want to say that if anyone I know thinks that liberals wanting kids to have breakfast and after-school programs, mental health availability, low cost day care, equal pay for women, good union jobs, health care for all and so forth, are the equivalent of Hitler, then please unfriend me. Cause you know what? I'm done with you and your stupidity. You're taking up too much of my precious life. I'll meet you again when you come around to being human.
Posted by Peter Gorman at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
The Secret Power of Nü-nü, the Matses' snuff
Nu-nu, a snuff used by the indigenous of the border area between Brazil and Peru near the Alto Yakirana, is a hunting tool that is used in conjunction with sapo, a frog medicine that is applied to the subcutaneous layers of a hunter's skin. Nu-nu adds a dimension of visual aid and calmness that improves hunting ability among people who depend on hunting to eat. Someone asked me about it and I responded from my experience, dating back to 1985 with the Matses, and 1986 with the Matses and nu-nu.
While other indigenous groups make several types of snuffs, the Matses
generally only make nü-nü, which is made from the inner bark of the
cacao tree (reduced to ash), mixed with nicotiana rustica (what was wild
tobacco but is now grown). Part of its strength is that it is always
made by two hunters, who each impart some of their spirit into the
medicine. When administered traditionally--at least in my
experience--among people who depend on hunting to eat, it is always the
best hunters who administer it, so that the recipient is getting spirit
from three separate hunters along with the actual snuff. (Unless the
receiver is also one of the makers of the medicine, of course.) The
hunters' spirits make for better hunters; the medicine makes for better
eyesight, a sharpened sense of accuracy, a steadier hand on the bow and
arrow. The cacao in the medicine relaxes the hunter so that he is not
tense when hunting, which will affect the trajectory of the arrow. The
visionary effects of the tobacco will allow--in large quantities, say 20
1/2 grams in each nostril over the course of half-an-hour, to have
visionary prescience as to where animals can be best hunted the
following day. Crazy, right? But real and real magic stuff.
Posted by Peter Gorman at 3:02 PM 1 comments