Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Further on the Road to Mend

Been a long time, this time, but I'm getting better. Wow, the insidious flesh eating bacteria didn't get much flesh this time, but heck, I've been sick since Feb 16 or so, and have three more weeks of antibiotics, home nurses, physical therapy and so forth. Just laid me out. Including 8 hours in the ER last Wednesday when an abscess on my right anterior knee had them worried the bacteria were spreading. They didn't, I was allowed to come home.
I'm weak, however, and smoking cigs as I do without a lot of exercise to clear my lungs hurts things. BUTTTTTT, I am something of a fighter and last week I started driving, then driving alone (my leg wraps and pain prevented that previously), and when my friend Pat Agurkis came in from Wooster for some days (he mended fences, built a bonfire with my friend Mike McCoy, mowed the whole lawn, more than an acre, with a push electric mower, I managed to go to the dump and help dump garbage. AND I cooked my ass off for him and family, and now that he's gone, I still am. Last night: Chicken salad with scallions and celery from fresh roasted chicken thighs, along with a homemade cole slaw. Ribs for the girls and chicken wings--baked, not fried--for Italo, Chepa and also for the girls. Tonight it's a mac and cheese with four cheeses, bacon, garlic, onions, tomatoes.
Last night I also helped my son anchor a 155 hp boat motor onto a rack he built so that he can rebuild it, and today I helped move some old couches into his truck to take to the dump.
Chepa, my ex, clapped when she saw me working. "He's back!" she shouted.
And you know what? I may not be back, but I am getting there. THANKS for all the power you all sent my way. Definitely helped. Thank you.
Sorry you are all gonna miss the mac and cheese. It's gonna be good.

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